

Steven Bryant

Creatives across borders: Steven Bryant

Steven Bryant is a multi-talented creative professional with a background in graphic design, illustration, and photography. His passion lies in creating illustrated children’s books, having self-published six since he began his series in 2017. Growing up, Steven was always engaged in drawing, writing, and reading, with a childhood dream of working in animation, inspired by Disney cartoons. Though life’s twists led him to graphic design, his love for writing and illustrating remained strong. Steven’s career began with graphic design work for various clients, but he eventually decided to pursue his passion for children’s books. Starting with simple sketches and concepts, he leveraged his design skills to write, illustrate, and self-publish his first book, Santana’s Bad Hair Day. This marked the beginning of his ongoing journey in children’s literature.

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Flavia Drago

Creatives across borders: Flavia Drago

Flavia Drago is a New York Times bestselling author and illustrator from Mexico. Known for her unique and enchanting children’s picture books featuring horror characters like vampires, witches, and monsters, Flavia’s work has captivated audiences around the world. To that end, she is a recipient of the 2021 Klaus Flugge Prize for her book, “Gustavo the shy ghost.” Flavia was the illustrator of the fair at the 2024 London Book Fair and is currently pursuing a PhD at Anglia Ruskin University, where she researches the genre of horror in children’s picture books. In this in-depth interview, Flavia shares her creative journey from Mexico to Spain, Paris and the UK, offering insights into the challenges and triumphs she’s faced along the way. Discover how Flavia’s works are perceived across different cultures, the inspirations behind her beloved characters, and her views on the horror genre in children’s literature.

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Orianna (Ori) Bellardi

Creatives across borders: Ori Bellardi

Ori Bellardi is a talented Venezuelan 3D toy maker and Painter known for her vibrant and imaginative creations. In this interview, Ori shares her journey from the culinary arts to crafting breath-taking 3D printed and painted toys, collaborating with renowned artists like Dapo Adeola and Chris Chatterton. Her creative career spans several countries where she learned to speak multiple languages; she attributes it to her extensive travel and embracing mistakes. Ori’s journey from the culinary arts to prototyping included self-taught painting and launching a hobby into a business through social connections, reflecting growth and adaptability in both her professional skills and personal identity. She continues to innovate and collaborate with other artists, nurturing a new career while occasionally revisiting her chef role for special projects.

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Selom Sunu

Creatives across borders: Selom Sunu

Selom Sunu, a British-Ghanaian character designer and illustrator, discusses his artistic journey and career in this detailed interview. Raised in London with a stint in Ghana, Selom’s creative influences stem from 90s and 2000s cartoons. Initially pursuing business and marketing, he reconnected with art during a transformative course at Central Saint Martins, leading to a shift towards character design. His career highlights include working for Disney and creating a Google Doodle. Selom integrates his Ghanaian heritage and Christian faith into his work, values fatherhood’s influence on his projects, and emphasizes continuous self-development through workshops and mentorships.

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Lola Usupova

Creatives across borders: Lola Usupova

Lola Usupova, originally from Uzbekistan, transitioned from marketing to children’s book illustration after moving across Europe. She found her passion in digital illustrations and children’s picture books, partially influenced by childhood memories and international children’s literature. Lola, who had initially explored various career paths including frontend development and graphic design, honed her signature style and launched a career in children’s literature. She currently creates and self-promotes her books, while actively seeking collaborations and growing her skill set in marketing within the publishing sector.

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Eva Wong Nava

Creatives across borders: Eva Wong Nava

Eva Wong Nava, a British-Chinese children’s book writer and polyglot, discusses her career, cultural influences, and advocacy for greater representation in children’s literature in the UK. Born in Singapore and having lived in multiple countries, she highlights her journey into writing to reflect diverse identities, particularly addressing the lack of Southeast Asian representation in British publishing. Her work includes sensitivity reading and organizing literary events to promote East and Southeast Asian narratives.

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Segun Samson

Creatives across borders: Segun Samson

Samson, a multifaceted Nigerian artist and educator, shares his journey from humble beginnings drawing comics in Nigeria to becoming an internationally recognized animator in this comprehensive interview. Through self-taught efforts and key online courses like CGMA, Samson transitioned into significant roles in animation, contributing to projects on Disney+ and Netflix. His work incorporates Nigerian cultural themes, drawing from early inspirations and personal experiences. Samson emphasizes the importance of mentorship, ongoing learning, and global connectivity in the animation industry. He currently offers a 3D Character Design course on Domestika, inspiring others with his unique artistic style and cultural narratives.

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Tita Berredo - Brazilian picture book writer and illustrator

Creatives across borders: Tita Berredo

Tita Berredo, a Brazilian picture book writer and illustrator, shares her journey from marketing to the arts in the UK in this comprehensive interview. Having transitioned from Brazil to the UK, her artistic career flourished after obtaining a master’s degree from Goldsmiths University and securing representation by Sorche Fairbank. Berredo’s significant achievements include winning a competition at London’s House of Illustration and showcasing her work at the Bologna children’s books fair. Her family background deeply rooted in arts, her strategic exhibition of work, and active participation in societies like SCBWI and AOI have significantly shaped her prosperous career.

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